From My Heart…Spring 2023

From My Heart… Corporate Worship Puts Our Sorrows Into Perspective         By Byron Garmo, President “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Psalm 46:1 It’s one thing to suffer alongside others. It’s an entirely different thing to suffer alone. As humans, we tend to suffer alone. And […]

Spring 2023 Newsletter

Our Ugandan partner shared that this past Saturday, 261 children attended the discipleship meeting at his church alone. He believes we are seeing “an unusual work of God”.

“An Unusual Work of God” in UGANDA” By Jacqueline McCarter 10 gospel outreaches. 10 villages. An estimated 4,000 children fed and evangelized at Christmas. Thank you for your giving and your prayers! God didn’t stop here, though. Following the outreaches, 55 new discipleship groups are meeting regularly throughout Uganda. 3,170 children are being discipled. Our […]

Halima: The Gospel Changes Everything!

At Mission to Children, we believe that the gospel changes everything!

The gospel changes everything. We do what we do because we want every child to know the power of the gospel to transform their life. Especially children like Halima: She’s come to be known as the girl with the nice smile. But Halima spent most of her 14 years living on the streets of Zambia […]

God is using our new “F-E-E-D” strategy to reach children around the world

You’ll love how God is using our new “F-E-E-D” strategy to reach children around the world. At-risk children’s lives are being changed now and, God willing, in the future. In Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, we recently held an outreach. Zambia’s just one example of both the great need and the great opportunities that we […]

From My Heart…Fall 2022

Mission to Children has had the privilege of having met Brother Andrew.

Remember, consider, and imitate their faith By Byron Garmo, President  In September we received an announcement that Brother Andrew, “God’s Smuggler,” went to be with the Lord. I’ve had several brief interactions with Brother Andrew over the past 20 years, including the opportunity to sit with him for a luncheon. His books were great, yet […]

Fall 2022 Newsletter

At Mission to Children, we believe that the gospel alone has the power to transform lives.

    Thank You Mission to Children! By Jacqueline McCarter   [You] help me to live by hope and believe in Jesus.My name is Isham. I am 8 years old and studying in the 3rd grade in India. Suddenly losing my father due to Covid is a real struggle for me. I cry remembering how […]

From My Heart…Summer 2022

From My Heart… God Helps a Believer to Persevere through Prison By Byron Garmo, President I read somewhere that prison changes a person. But I saw it firsthand in 1998, when, through a series of God-ordained events, I found myself in Central Romania, on a summer-long mission trip. There I met Nicolae Moldoveanu, an amazing […]

Summer 2022 Newsletter

GOSPEL OUTREACH:Zambia By Jacqueline McCarter Mission to Children is excited to have partnered for the first time in a Zambia gospel outreach on June 25, 2022. Your generosity enabled 106 street children ages 5-20 years old to hear the gospel! Children also received two meals and a snack, health screenings, medical treatment, baths, warm clothing, […]

Ministry Opportunity: Malawi, Africa

Earlier this year I asked a few people to pray with me about a ministry opportunity that God appeared to be developing in Malawi, Africa. Praise God, He has begun answering our prayers. God has used me to connect a dear brother in Malawi with ThirdMill, a ministry committed to providing seminary-level training for pastors […]

Spring 2022 Ministry Update

You and I have a lot to thank God for this spring, especially as we prepare to celebrate Christ’s resurrection this upcoming Easter. Speaking of Easter, several supporters have asked me if we still do Christmas and Easter gospel outreaches. My response has been, “Yes, we do! But over the last 24 months, we’ve had […]