Reaching Out
Reaching Out Through Character Solutions Kathy, missionary in Oaxaca, Mexico: “I have thumbed through your parent guide and am convinced that this is an answer to prayers both for my homeschool and the MK school in Mexico. I am super thankful to have been blessed with this parent guide and look forward to using it […]
Remember these children? God did
A dozen years ago my wife and I visited a home for abandoned gypsy children who lived on the streets of Arad, Romania. We met an 11-year-old girl and her 8-year-old brother. Their mother had died and their alcoholic Roma father tried to get rid of them by locking them inside the shed they lived in and setting the shed on fire. Rescued, these precious children were later found by the police, rummaging through a garbage dump for food. The police took them to a State Centre, and looked for urgent placement because of their difficult situation.
Applied Agape
In the aftermath of terrible tragedies globally whether Nice, France and Dallas, Texas, there is no better time than today to keep looking up and reaching out to others with the love of Jesus. With the time and resources God has provided to each one of us, however we accomplish this, we must do so […]
Can anything good come out of a Nazareth?
Can anything good come from a slum? Although significant ministry through the Mission to Children does happen within the walls of children’s homes or classrooms, thousands more lives are influenced beyond those walls. Consider young Sheshu, for example. Ten-year-old Sheshu lives in a slum on the east side of India. He was born into severe […]
From My Heart: Double Struck
One of the joys of my life these years is seeing God transform hearts and lives through the Mission to Children. What a privilege–and responsibility–it is to serve Him together! I’m struck at how He uses so little to accomplish so much. He did it when Gideon’s mini-army defeated Midian in Judges 9. He did it when five loaves and two fish fed a hungry crowd of thousands in Mark 6.
From Recent Outreaches: A Child with a Servant’s Heart
Recent News: Impact Project Results Most children around the age of four are learning to follow a daily routine: eating, playing, bathing, going to bed. Often a security blanket follows them everywhere. But for Durga, these learning moments were suddenly muted when her father died that year from a heart attack. The family was so poor […]
Seeds to Plant the Gospel
Today, we can’t resist sharing news from India through the character program. In Bangalore, Character Solutions International took up training workshops at the police Commissioner’s office for officers, NGOs and social workers.
From My Heart: A Feast for the Least of These
The Timeless Blessing of Hospitality: A Feast for the Least. It is early on Saturday morning. With the rising sun come whiffs of smoke from small cooking fires and the complex aroma of boiling basmati rice, curry chicken, and gravies made of meats, vegetables, and spices. Onions are being browned with ghee. Raisins, beans, and […]
From My Heart: His Crowded Kindnesses
From My Heart: His Crowded Kindnesses Isaiah 63:7 says, “I will mention the lovingkindnesses of the Lord and the praises of the Lord, according to all that the Lord has bestowed on us . . .” The word “mention” does not refer to making a side comment, as we intend when we say “By the […]
“I Felt I am a Nobody”, Self-Discipline, and the Leader’s SEEcret
Christmas Dinners Last December your donations to the Mission to Children supported Christmas dinners in 7 countries and in over 13 different locations. One of our partners in the Philippines used Child Evangelism Fellowship’s Christmas story about a former street boy to share the Gospel. Then he interviewed those who came, to get their reactions. […]