Together we can help at-risk children focus on the Gospel instead of their empty stomachs.
Thank you so much for your year end gift to Mission to Children! Because of your generosity, children are being fed, evangelized, and discipled around the world!
“Our children are growing in the Word of God and in ministry. The children's teachers also now meet to pray and prepare together and teachers too are growing in the Word of God.”
“The children's teachers are growing as they study and prepare lessons from the materials we provided. The children's ministry is growing not only in number but also in the Word of God. This month they Baptized 40 young children who are from age 12 and have been consistent in discipleship classes”
“One child who is 10 years old thanked us for loving them and taking care of them. He said ‘I always thought celebrations are always for adults and not Children.’”
“Children were so happy to have the opportunity to have meat and drinks. Meat is mostly eaten once in a year or twice in most homes and juice is only taken by children from financially stable families. In my conversation with most children, this event was to them a miracle.”
“Miweni tells us that he has not been sick from hunger related diseases in the of months of Nov-February.”
“It has become known that children are able to eat, and gain weight while parents go to bed hungry. Parents are freed to work in the farms while children are taken care of. Most children have maintained/gained weight during hunger months (Nov-March) when most people drop it during these months. Children now know how to pray.”
“The children ministry in their church had failed, the outreach and the materials provided have brought new life in the children ministry. The children's church is growing.”
“Our location has been a very hard and difficult ground because of the big number of Muslims in the area, it has always been difficult visiting homes. The outreach changed everything, more and more homes are now open and the Muslim children are coming to faith in big numbers.”
Mercy comes from a Malawi village. She is 9 years old. She belongs to Anglican church. She likes going to church every Sunday. However, their church does not have children ministry and therefore, they stay in church for a few hours then she and her friend go out to play until the adults are finished in the service. She says this gathering of children was the first in their area. She said children were taken care of well. They ate, played netball, sang choruses and enjoyed the Bible lessons.
Miriam, who is 14 years old, said ‘I am happy for the love and care you have shown to us it is my first time this year to eat meat, normally we eat meat during Christmas and Juice is a miracle to us.’”
We want to partner with you to make a difference in the lives of children around the world. By hosting an event for you and your community, you can spread the word about Mission to Children. Host a dinner party, have a bonfire, a beach night, or a game night. Whatever is in the natural rhythm of life for you and your community. Somewhere in the evening, talk about why you support Mission to Children and encourage those in attendance to do the same.
Send us a message if you’re interested in hosting your own event.