News and Stories

"I will never forget my experience ... Now I am growing and understanding more about Jesus by reading the kid’s bible I got as a gift from you before. This gift is special to me, and I will always love it. My favorite lessons in the bible are the miracles done by Jesus. I love the story where He multiplies the bread and fish to feed 5000 people. I give my thanks to God for those who played a part in sending me a bible. I don’t know who they are, but I am confident that God will bless them." I give my thanks to God for those who played a part in sending me a bible. I don’t know who they are, but I am confident that God will bless them.

Education is an essential key to preventing child labor. Children at risk do not have to remain victims or only recipients of charity. Through your ongoing partnership, they are seeing themselves as children of God, born for a higher purpose through faith in Jesus Christ.