News and Stories

Siddarth is one of about fifty amazing children at our Beracah ministry hub in Bangalore, India. Because of your timely help, these children benefit from food, care, education, and lots of love in a gospel-centered environment.

Thanks to you, recent Christmas gospel outreaches brought God’s love to eleven communities in India and Romania. Reports so far indicate that over 6,738 people were reached with the gospel, encouragement, special gifts, and a Christmas celebration meal.

Education is an essential key to preventing child labor. Children at risk do not have to remain victims or only recipients of charity. Through your ongoing partnership, they are seeing themselves as children of God, born for a higher purpose through faith in Jesus Christ.

A dozen years ago my wife and I visited a home for abandoned gypsy children who lived on the streets of Arad, Romania. We met an 11-year-old girl and her 8-year-old brother. Their mother had died and their alcoholic Roma father tried to get rid of them by locking them inside the shed they lived in and setting the shed on fire. Rescued, these precious children were later found by the police, rummaging through a garbage dump for food. The police took them to a State Centre, and looked for urgent placement because of their difficult situation.