See it Positively and Thank God
On the other hand, as I look up I see lots to lift my heart: Hundreds of street children are ministered to by caring Christ-followers. Hundreds more kids are protected and healthy in children’s homes under Godly supervisors. Lepers see God’s love in action through Mission to Children. Extraordinary ministry doors to dark places are open to us, such as women’s and men’s prisons, and temple prostitutes—along with their children.
Getting to the Heart of the Matter
When we look at social deficiencies such as poverty, violence, racism, or abuse, most charities do a great job of treating the problem with a service. Those services are vital because real needs are met. We’ve all been glad for those people who feel our pain. But we need to go deeper than treatments. May I suggest that a great way to address even social problems is through character development, which addresses the root of the problem?