Love one another

Far, far away, in the heart of India, a group of young students are inspired by the life of Jesus Some label them as “Dalits”—but we refer to them warmly as “brothers” and “sisters”. They are learning to love one another. This is the mark of a true disciple of Jesus Christ. Recently, these young […]
Canadian Charity: Fiscal Year 2015 in Review

You provided refuge, for up to a year’s time, for orphans and abandoned children that includes Christian education, healthcare, meals, shelter, and clothing Financial statements are available here. Christian Care and Education Kenyan Child Care Centre: $1,712 helped educate and rehabilitate 79 physically-challenged children. An additional 135 children received physical therapy. Five Homes near Salem, […]
USA Charity: Fiscal Year 2015 in Review

You provided refuge, for up to a year’s time, for orphans and abandoned children that includes Christian education, healthcare, meals, shelter, and clothing Financial statements are available here. Christian Care and Education Kenyan Child Care Centre: $1,712 helped educate and rehabilitate 79 physically-challenged children. An additional 135 children received physical therapy. Anderson Home near Salem, […]
Can anything good come out of a Nazareth?

Can anything good come from a slum? Although significant ministry through the Mission to Children does happen within the walls of children’s homes or classrooms, thousands more lives are influenced beyond those walls. Consider young Sheshu, for example. Ten-year-old Sheshu lives in a slum on the east side of India. He was born into severe […]
From My Heart: Double Struck

One of the joys of my life these years is seeing God transform hearts and lives through the Mission to Children. What a privilege–and responsibility–it is to serve Him together! I’m struck at how He uses so little to accomplish so much. He did it when Gideon’s mini-army defeated Midian in Judges 9. He did it when five loaves and two fish fed a hungry crowd of thousands in Mark 6.
From Recent Outreaches: A Child with a Servant’s Heart

Recent News: Impact Project Results Most children around the age of four are learning to follow a daily routine: eating, playing, bathing, going to bed. Often a security blanket follows them everywhere. But for Durga, these learning moments were suddenly muted when her father died that year from a heart attack. The family was so poor […]
Dignity and Love are not Exclusive: We are Created in God’s Image

During our worldwide outreaches I’m deeply moved by the dignity shown to marginalized communities in the name of Jesus. These moving photos below were taken near Bangalore, India. In the photos you’ll see a mix of orphans supported through the Mission to Children and a number of blind families. Every outreach, our field partners invite […]
When You Give a Feast, Invite the Poor … And You will Be Blessed

One of our favorite, annual ministry outreaches is during Christmas when supporters enable Christian witnesses to minister to the broken lives of the poor and downcast within their communities. This is Mission to Children: Ministry in the margins of society—to the forgotten, the disregarded, the ineligible in man’s eyes. They are excluded from society’s love […]
Seeds to Plant the Gospel

Today, we can’t resist sharing news from India through the character program. In Bangalore, Character Solutions International took up training workshops at the police Commissioner’s office for officers, NGOs and social workers.
Church chatter: Character is critical for adults who influence children

Watch Skip Garmo’s TV interview from the Hour of Power Pastor Bobby Schuller (M. Div., Fuller Seminary) recently interviewed Mission to Children’s President, Skip Garmo on the Hour of Power. Watch and learn why reaching at-risk kids and giving them a higher purpose for their lives is central to everything we do at Mission to […]