Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?

Christmas Dinner Outreaches Still Open The answer to that question depends on YOU! Our international ministry partners invite as many children as they can feed from the Mission to Children Christmas dinner donations they receive. But just in case you’re wondering who might come, below is a gallery of guests who may be invited to […]

Annual outreach dinners to interrupt slum life

Your gift today reserves a spot for a child at a Christmas Dinner Below, view gallery images from last year’s Mission to Children Christmas Dinners at Rajahmundry, India. We’re about to interrupt slum life.

September News

A child’s dignity is precious. Yet if a parent’s character is compromised through risky situations, that precious gift of dignity will be attacked by the highest bidder. Mission to Children’s September newsletter highlighted this problem example through a story about a girl named Maria. You can read Maria’s character scenario here. Building character is today’s […]

Resurrection Dinners are Coming Up

As I look ahead at the lives of children and adults who we have the opportunity to influence, I see the hopelessness and eternal poverty of their future without God’s intervention. Without power from Him, there is no new life for them.

Character Corner: Thankfulness

The extract on thankfulness is from our Character Solutions curriculum which is being taught in schools, orphanages, and churches around the world thanks to your faithful gifts and prayers.

Liberated by Christ to Love Others

Without Christlike character, a person could say all the right words and still fail to truthfully communicate God’s love; because God is love. In other words, Cultivating Christlike character is essential to effectively share the Gospel.

Video: Remembering and Celebrating the Orphans of South Sudan

Since late 2011, Mission to Children has followed, prayed, and supported the relocation and (present) rehabilitation of orphans in the state of Jonglei, South Sudan. The lives of these children were abruptly shattered when a rival tribe launched a violent and devastating attack on their village.

Smiles That Remind Us of Why We Work

A couple of youth workers thought it would be important to participate in our character formation seminar. They hope to positively affect the youth who look up to them.

South Sudanese Orphans Begin the Process of Healing After Tribal Violence

Mid-July 2011, members of the Murle tribe, armed by the Khartoum government, attacked the Nuer people in Jonglei state, South Sudan. Although tribal conflict is decades old, this attack was different. Traditionally these conflicts involved the stealing of cattle and the taking of women and children. This time the violence was much more pronounced.