From My Heart, Working Together

Moses’ father-in-law said to him, “What you are doing is not good. You and the people with you will certainly wear yourselves out, for the thing is too heavy for you. You are not able to do it alone. Now obey my voice; I will give you advice, and God be with you!” Exodus 18:17–19 […]
Brimming Over Breakfast in Malawi

1,400 hungry children in Malawi are finally eating throughout each month because of MTC Hope Bringers (our monthly giving program). This meets a critical need during a very difficult time for children in Malawi. Already one of the world’s poorest countries, Malawi was further devastated by Cyclone Freddy last year. At-risk children are increasingly threatened […]
From My Heart, The Believer’s Confidence to Pray

Key takeaways: Pray based on what God has done, His unchanging attributes and character, and His promises. Bring your mess to God. He will work through it for your eternal good in Christ Jesus. I’ve read some great books on prayer. The most recent book was written by Charles Spurgeon. In that book he shares […]
You’re helping satisfy hungry children in Panama

Your prayers and support over the past months have enabled us to launch our program in Panama in partnership with a local pastor. The pastor has an incredible heart for teaching God’s word and also helping impoverished children. So far, about 100 children have joined this gospel-centered feeding program In a couple locations. At each […]
Yes, juice can be part of a miracle.

Recently in Uganda you helped launch 16 Christmas Gospel outreaches that fed hungry children physically with a meal and spiritually with God’s word. Your generosity fed the souls of 9,010 at-risk children and 847 adults. And for the majority of those 9,010 children, it meant eating meat for the first time … in a […]
Jesus Loves Me, a Timeless Truth for Challenging Times

Mission to Children’s monthly giving program (Hope Bringers) supports dozens of childcare centers in Malawi. At each center, children are fed and taught about God’s love. And within reach of every childcare center are Christians who have been equipped to disciple the children who want to learn more about God’s love. Below is a testimony about one of the children in Malawi.
Before you sit down to eat, savor this vision of gratitude.

Before you sit down to eat, savor this vision of gratitude. Thanksgiving looks backward into our nation’s history. Yet for believers, this holiday can also provide an opportunity to look forward to the greatest feast yet to come. My wife and I have been daydreaming about our upcoming Thanksgiving dinner. Finally, that meal is almost […]
Ritualists Defeated by a Little Boy’s Prayer

Our newest partner in Kenya, Africa shared this testimony with us. We’re passing it along to you because it illustrates the effectiveness of ministering to at-risk children with prayer and God’s word. It’s one of many examples of why we do what we do. And it proves that your partnership matters. Gasira, a teacher from […]
Update from Malawi to Encourage You

Monthly donors are helping to feed 1,600 children in Malawi! In Malawi, we’ve partnered with Save Orphans Ministries to feed, evangelize, and disciple around 6,000 children at 102 childcare centers in a region that is about 70% Muslim. This new initiative will launch because of our monthly donors. Can you believe that it only costs […]
Longing for God More Than Anything Else

From Mission to Children’s 2023 Fall newsletter We could all learn a thing or two from Moses. Exodus 33 tells us about Moses’s intercession on behalf of obstinate Israel. God had made incredible promises to Israel: Their own land—the promised land flowing with milk and honey. Enemies driven from their land by a mighty […]