Today, will you help meet Mission to Children’s year-end goal of $70,000?

November 2, 2020

Has someone ever brought you a meal during a time of need? If this has been your experience, try to think back to that situation. Were you sick? Out of work? Lonely…?

I’ll never forget my greatest time of need. I was in second grade when my family hit a financial rough spot. It was the dead of winter and Christmas was upon us. My sisters and I were excited about Christmas—but we had no idea about the crushing reality facing our family. Our young minds didn’t understand why we got free meals at school. I thought every child got a free meal if they forgot to bring a lunch box

The severity of our financial situation increased as the winter progressed. There was no money for groceries, presents, or even for the eyeglasses I needed. I couldn’t fully appreciate the burden of stress my parents were carrying that season. But I remember God providing in unexpected ways through our local church. I remember families dropping by our yellow house on Elm street unannounced–bringing us groceries. One time we were surprised to find shopping money at the bottom of a grocery bag. Someone else from church brought Christmas presents for my sisters and me. And as you may have already guessed, someone knew that I needed eyeglasses. Those glasses came when I needed them most, and with the correct prescription for me.

My family knows that even though we didn’t earn those gifts, or the kindness, our loving Father in heaven is gracious and generous. He met us in our time of need, so that His great name would be cherished even more through our family history. Our confidence is properly placed in Him alone.

Now that I have my own family, God’s provision in that early season of my life has become more vivid. It becomes more vivid as I watch the faces of our three young kids at the dinner table. They may not have a care in the world. But in my prayers, I thank God for His provision. I know all things belong to God. And I also know that each of those childhood gifts cost somebody something.

Transition now to 2020. Right at this moment.

You and I have endured a tumultuous year in North America. Pandemic. Bad news. Right is wrong. Wrong is right. Numbers are real—or fake. Not even sure. I thank God that today’s media is only a human institution and not divine counsel. And by God’s grace, I’m sure that you and I can go to sleep at night knowing that He works all things together for good.

But what about the vulnerable children like those you’ve helped us reach with God’s love over the last 50 years? The children who don’t yet know Jesus, the Savior of the world?

While life is uncertain for us here in North America … it’s becoming hopeless for many children in developing countries such as India. Many vulnerable children can’t experience this hope without a Christian witness. They need someone to bring them hope.

Just like I experienced God’s love through others back in elementary school, your gifts and prayers helped bring over 200 ration kits to vulnerable children at home with their families in India. Each ration kit supplies a month of emergency food and hygiene essentials (but no eyeglasses that I’m aware of). The ministry hub in South India ministers to about 1,250 families, many of them marginalized due to their low caste. The effect of COVID-19 continues to be severe for such impoverished children and families. Not only are they isolated and hungry, they are financially unable to access remote education—a privilege available only to the wealthy in India. Without the ability to continue their education, these children face uncertain futures, and are in danger of losing hope.

Though the reality can feel daunting, we shouldn’t be overwhelmed. Rather, we should go in the strength of the Lord: Looking up, reaching out. God has more than enough resources for His purposes. It’s actually a bit exciting to consider the unexpected ways He’ll provide.

Today, will you help meet Mission to Children’s year-end goal of $70,000? This goal considers three months of running room so that we can continue to supply the front lines of ministry in India. This goal also helps us further develop ministry tools in the queue for 2021. If you have questions about any of this, I’m happy to help answer them.

As God leads you, remember that your gift is never a moment too soon. Or a moment too late. God has a purpose for every dollar.

For God’s glory and your joy in His harvest,

Byron Garmo, President

P.S. As I wrote above, if you would like to understand more about our year-end fundraising goal, please contact me personally. Your trust and understanding are important to me.

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Mealtime, Meet Mission Time

We want to partner with you to make a difference in the lives of children around the world. By hosting an event for you and your community, you can spread the word about Mission to Children. Host a dinner party, have a bonfire, a beach night, or a game night. Whatever is in the natural rhythm of life for you and your community. Somewhere in the evening, talk about why you support Mission to Children and encourage those in attendance to do the same. 

Send us a message if you’re interested in hosting your own event.