A Milestone Decade of Faithfulness

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate ofrne another to love and good deeds”
Hebrews 10:23-24

God has laid it on my heart to share with you about the current ministry focus here at Mission to Children. It has been a season of reflection, assessment, and preparation for the work that God has put into our hands. I appreciate you, along with the other faithful partners in ministry who walk alongside Mission to Children in this journey of faith.

Serve Faithfully

It has been a milestone decade within the body of Christ. Though this isn’t a complete list, we know that these faithful servants of our Lord Jesus Christ are now rejoicing in God’s presence: Chuck Colson, Prison Fellowship Ministries (2012); Chuck Smith, Calvary Chapel (2013); Charles Ryrie, Dallas seminary, Don McClanen, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, Jerry Bridges, Pursuit of Holiness, Kenneth Bailey, the scholar who helped Christians see the Bible through Middle Eastern cultural lenses, R.C. Sproul, Ligonier Ministries (2016); and now Billy Graham, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (2018). Praise God for this crowd of faithful witnesses who boldly shared God’s word with millions! God will not leave Himself without a witness:

“Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Hebrews 13:7-8

Spread the Gospel

Here’s a trivia question for you: What people cluster is four times the size of Canada’s population, and is larger than the ten most-populated US states combined? The answer: Dalits in India! There are an estimated 170 million Dalits and they face reprehensible discrimination. Please pray that God’s Spirit will prepare the hearts of Dalits across India to hear and embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ. This includes the Dalit children living in our sponsored orphanages, and those who are welcomed in the name of Jesus at our various Christmas and Easter Gospel outreaches. We thank God for the opportunity to make Christ known through front-line Christians in India, because of your faithful support and prayers.

Love others along the way

Many of you graciously send us personal comments. We rejoice to know how your investment in Mission to Children has touched your lives, and we benefit from what God is encouraging you to share with us. We are united together in our commitment to spread the gospel among the spiritually poor and minister to the basic needs of these children at risk. Thanks for sharing your heart with us.

And keep looking up, and reaching out.

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Mealtime, Meet Mission Time

We want to partner with you to make a difference in the lives of children around the world. By hosting an event for you and your community, you can spread the word about Mission to Children. Host a dinner party, have a bonfire, a beach night, or a game night. Whatever is in the natural rhythm of life for you and your community. Somewhere in the evening, talk about why you support Mission to Children and encourage those in attendance to do the same. 

Send us a message if you’re interested in hosting your own event.