USA Federal employees: Your CFC campaign is around the corner #11922

Mission to Children’s CFC #11922 Attention all U. S. Federal civilian, postal, and military employees: The annual CFC campaign is around the corner. It’s the largest workplace campaign in the country and one of the most efficient—it only allows the best charities into the campaign. Mission to Children is honored to a recognized CFC charity, […]

Defining Moments

Recently Children at the Easter Dinner Outreaches and camps experienced something completely new this year: the love of God in them! These defining moments were born during supported Mission to Children outreaches in Romania, Costa Rica, India, Kenya, Colombia, and the Philippines in partnership with wonderful Christian partners.

Summer News: No Longer Afraid, Easter Outreaches, and Crossroads

“I am no longer afraid” Thanks to the generosity of friends like you, 39 children were sponsored to attend a five-day retreat in Costa Rica during Mission to Children’s Easter outreaches. Last March, 39 Costa Rican children were sponsored to get out of the city and enjoy God’s presence together at camp. The theme was […]

Awarded for His Commitment to the Community

His Commitment Shines Forth from India Children in crisis need stability and—from Christ-centered leaders committed to the Kingdom of God. One of our international partners, Jacob, recently received a prestigious award from the local government near Rajahmundry, India. We thank God for Jacob, a godly young man who is carrying on the mission to orphans […]

Video: Koti’s Story

Watch Koti’s story Before Koti came to one of our sponsored Dinner Outreaches, he was a troublemaker in his neighborhood in India. He got into fist fights with his friends, let the air out of their bicycle tires, and threw rocks at the windows of his school. Koti’s behavior even got him expelled. But to […]

New Sandals, Her Story, and Christmas Dinner Outreaches

Donors helped bring out the best smiles at Christmas Dinners Yet again this past Christmas, your partnership better enabled incredible outreaches spanning from Metro Manila, Philippines to Arad, Romania. Christmas Dinner Outreaches are an opportunity for Christian ministries to work together for the greatest Kingdom impact. Jeff Anderson commented on the outreaches coordinated by Action […]

Urgent Prayer Needed for South Sudan

Prayer Alert Two years ago, the Mission to Children stepped in at the request of partnering ministries to help approximately 170 youngsters in South Sudan who had suddenly and violently lost their parents in a surprise attack on their village by a neighboring tribe. Many of those children witnessed their parents and other family members […]

Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?

Christmas Dinner Outreaches Still Open The answer to that question depends on YOU! Our international ministry partners invite as many children as they can feed from the Mission to Children Christmas dinner donations they receive. But just in case you’re wondering who might come, below is a gallery of guests who may be invited to […]

Annual outreach dinners to interrupt slum life

Your gift today reserves a spot for a child at a Christmas Dinner Below, view gallery images from last year’s Mission to Children Christmas Dinners at Rajahmundry, India. We’re about to interrupt slum life.

Video: Remembering and Celebrating the Orphans of South Sudan

Since late 2011, Mission to Children has followed, prayed, and supported the relocation and (present) rehabilitation of orphans in the state of Jonglei, South Sudan. The lives of these children were abruptly shattered when a rival tribe launched a violent and devastating attack on their village.