Beracah Hubs Spread God’s Love into their Communities

Beracah Hubs Spread God’s Love into their Communities

Through your prayers and support, Mission to Children continues to develop in exciting ways. It is such a joy for me to be a part of a great, gospel ministry that is feeding and caring for children at risk. These children are at risk because they’ve been marginalized by poverty, exploitation, abandonment, abuse, discrimination, and religious persecution. Many of our children’s ministries continue to be located in India, serving Dalit children, leper children, even children of blind parents. 

You may already be aware of the incredible persecution Christians are experiencing today in India. One ministry ranked India #11 among all countries where it is most difficult to follow Jesus. 

Please read this carefully. 

Today, because of the persecution and at the request of a key field partner in India, we are anonymizing our field ministries under a new campaign name to protect their identities and locations. This includes the orphanages and group homes we continue to support and sustain. We are now referring to these orphanages and field ministry sites as Beracah ministry hubs.

This term was inspired by God’s mighty deed recorded in 2 Chronicles 20. As King Jehoshaphat stood with all Israel pleading to the LORD for deliverance from four approaching armies, the Spirit of the LORD anointed a man to declare that they should not be afraid, for the battle belonged to the LORD. They were called by the LORD into the wilderness of Tekoa where their praises erupted as they marched into view, only to see that the LORD had already destroyed their enemies. The Israelites, in great joy and relief, named that place of victory the valley of Beracah, which means “blessing.” God met Israel in their time of need, delivered them, and through that event His great name spread to the surrounding kingdoms because He had fought on behalf of Israel.

Our supported Beracah ministry hubs are places of refuge where God calls marginalized children to Christ, delivers them in their time of need . . . so that His great name becomes known in the surrounding community. 

How are field partners responding to the idea of renaming our supported group homes and orphanages to Beracah ministry hubs? One of our biggest partners in India teared up as I shared with him this redefined vision of reaching communities with the gospel through Beracah ministry hubs that serve marginalized children. “Byron, forgive my tears.  When I was younger my own father used to talk about the valley of Beracah in his ministry to the poor in our community. This term is very meaningful to me (thank you).” 

As you fill out this month’s reply insert you’ll now recognize the term “Beracah ministry hubs.” 

This is a great step to further enable the presence of Christians in the lives of vulnerable children, even in hostile communities. And it helps our mission if you continue to pray for and resource such Beracah ministry hubs that spread the light and the hope of the gospel to marginalized children through feeding them, sheltering them, and educating them in the name of Jesus.

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Mealtime, Meet Mission Time

We want to partner with you to make a difference in the lives of children around the world. By hosting an event for you and your community, you can spread the word about Mission to Children. Host a dinner party, have a bonfire, a beach night, or a game night. Whatever is in the natural rhythm of life for you and your community. Somewhere in the evening, talk about why you support Mission to Children and encourage those in attendance to do the same. 

Send us a message if you’re interested in hosting your own event.