Can anything good come out of a Nazareth?

Can anything good come from a slum?

Although significant ministry through the Mission to Children does happen within the walls of children’s homes or classrooms, thousands more lives are influenced beyond those walls. Consider young Sheshu, for example.

Ten-year-old Sheshu lives in a slum on the east side of India. He was born into severe poverty along with two brothers. Since childhood, the three have eaten meals from one plate. While quarreling and scuffling over that plate each mealtime, food often spilled onto the ground.

Then an opportunity came for the boys to attend one of our Christmas Outreach dinners. That day, served delicious food on a separate plate, Sheshu felt like he was eating his own meal for the first time!

He heard about the kindness of the good Samaritan (Luke 10), and that story immediately became his favorite in the Bible. He took to heart Jesus’ words, “Go and do likewise” (Luke 10:37). From that day onward, Sheshu and his brothers began sharing their plate with each other.

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” Matthew 22:37

Can anything good come from a slum?


Sheshu’s father ekes out their bare living by making fish nets. Sheshu loves to ride with him on boats that go fishing in the early mornings. But Sheshu has a different harvest in his sights: He wants to become a teacher. He likes to learn, and wants to share that with others. And since his favorite verse is John 3:16, he has a lot to share already!

Sometimes, disciple making begins simply with a meal. Even to a slum kid.

Can anything good come from a slum?

Pious people once asked a similar question regarding Nazareth—and you know the answer to that.

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Mealtime, Meet Mission Time

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Send us a message if you’re interested in hosting your own event.