Canadian Charity: Fiscal Year 2015 in Review

You provided refuge, for up to a year’s time, for orphans and abandoned children that includes Christian education, healthcare, meals, shelter, and clothing

Financial statements are available here.

Christian Care and Education

Kenyan Child Care Centre: $1,712 helped educate and rehabilitate 79 physically-challenged children. An additional 135 children received physical therapy.

Five Homes near Salem, India: $12,322 provided safe shelter and Christian education for 43 orphans.

An orphanage near Bangalore, India: $14,724 provided safe shelter and Christian education for 49 orphans and abandoned children.

Grace Evangel Orphanage in Rajahmundry, India: $14,920 provided safe shelter and Christian education for 110 orphans.

Grace Day Care Centre in Rajahmundry, India:$13,000 provided day care, Christian teaching and meals to 97 impoverished young children.

Learning Bible verses is fun. And these abandoned children are soaking up every moment of it during a Christmas celebration in Rajahmundry, India.

St. Paul’s School for Dalits near Bangalore, India: $2,200 supported 48 children.

This girl has grown up in the Dalit caste. Because of the Mission to Children, she now experiences the joy and dignity of attending school in India.
This girl has grown up in the Dalit caste. Because of the Mission to Children, she now experiences the joy and dignity of attending school in India.

Costa Rican Day Care Centers in a high-risk area: $2,380 provided Christian education, meals, emotional support, and healthcare for 8 children.

Costa Rican youth return to help out the younger children.
Costa Rican youth return to help out the younger children.

Home Cherith in the Philippines: $6,958 provided school assistance, Biblical training, and healthcare for 24 at-risk children.

Schools in Haiti: $6,156 provided Christian education, lunch, and healthcare for over 20 school children.

Oaza in Romania: $2,102 provided loving Christian care, education, healthcare, and meals for 70 rescued Romanian street children, mostly Gypsies.

Special projects

$4,440 provided Bibles, food and aid to Syrian and Iraqi refugees. $800 provided medical aid, food, and basic necessities for Indian lepers.

$1,040 paid for village outreaches through Indian Gospel “Barefoot” Pastors.

$15,644 went to Christmas and Easter dinner outreaches for 12,277 at-risk children and families in Uganda, Kenya and several locations in India. The attendees heard the Gospel and enjoyed a delicious meal.

Children get ready for an outreach dinner at a slum community of Rajahmundry, India.
Children get ready for an outreach dinner at a slum community of Rajahmundry, India.

“Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father Who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

300 Ugandan HIV/AIDS children plus parents and hospital workers hear the Gospel and enjoy a tasty meal

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Mealtime, Meet Mission Time

We want to partner with you to make a difference in the lives of children around the world. By hosting an event for you and your community, you can spread the word about Mission to Children. Host a dinner party, have a bonfire, a beach night, or a game night. Whatever is in the natural rhythm of life for you and your community. Somewhere in the evening, talk about why you support Mission to Children and encourage those in attendance to do the same. 

Send us a message if you’re interested in hosting your own event.