Children Comment on Uganda Gospel Outreaches

Here’s what a few of the children had to say:

Lilly (Age 13): “I’m happy that for the first time, children have been valued in our community. I am so happy for the
good meals, games, and gifts.”

Nelson (Age 12): “This is the first time I’ve had a good meal and juice.”

Tadeo (Age 14): “I am so thankful for the good meals and games. At home, our parents shout at us all the time and we never enjoy time for fun.”

Kevin (Age 14): “I always thought celebrations were for adults, not children. I’m very grateful for the good meals and fun we’ve had. I pray that God will continue to bless those who provide meals.”

Rashid (Age 14): “This was my first time inside a church. I was surprised to see children being allowed to sit on chairs, and that each one got served his own plate of food. This never happens in the mosque. But when I saw how happy and excited the other children were, I wanted to be saved. I pray that my parents will allow me to come to church.”

Amira (Age 14): “I thank God for bringing you here. We played. We enjoyed the good food and teaching. May God be praised. And thank you for coming to our village.”

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Mealtime, Meet Mission Time

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