Defining moments where God meets disadvantaged children

Christmas Gospel Outreaches 2018

Special tribute: This month we remember and celebrate the life of Rev. David Gollapalli. His heart for reaching the lost among the poor inspired the Beracah ministry hub in Rajahmundry, India, known to many of you as Grace Evangel Orphanage, Grace Day Care Center, and other ministries throughout that community. In memory of Rev. David and his wife Mercy: Keep looking up, and reaching out. One day, we will all be face to face.

Defining moments where God meets disadvantaged children

Christmas gospel outreaches are defining moments where God meets disadvantaged children, through your gifts to help feed them, in their time of need so that His great name spreads throughout their communities. Like Israel’s experience of God’s deliverance in the valley of Beracah (“blessing”) in 2 Chronicles 20—it is our prayer that these outreaches are a channel of blessing for people who need to hear about Jesus. 

Thanks to you, gospel outreaches in the past have touched the lives of children, like the following testimony from a South India slum area: 

“Before when i did not know about my saviour Jesus Christ, my life didn’t make sense, because i had nobody i could turn to. But when i came to know Jesus, i now have somebody by my side. And to have somebody by my side, it makes me very happy. I believe its the Lord’s presence today that you came to where i live. Thank you for everything you gave me today. the hot plate of food, slippers, water. Now i know that Jesus will provide for me and my uncle. I am eager to go back and tell of the beautiful things that i heard of to my uncle. i am hoping he will too have a saviour who i have now.” (Chinnu, age 10, South India)

Mission to Children prays and collaborates with field partners in order to plan for Christmas gospel outreaches well in advance of the actual events. For those who are the hands and the feet of Jesus in the field, outreaches can become all-day activities that include cooking, transporting food and supplies, along with serving the meals and presenting the gospel along with worship songs. In Romania, leftovers are hand-delivered to impoverished families. But we need your help to carry out the 2018 Christmas gospel outreaches.

Examples of how your gift can help:

$50 helps feed 10 children

$200 helps feed 40 children

$5,000 helps feed 1,000 children

Today, your meaningful gift with prayer helps spread God’s love through preparing, sustaining, and supporting Christmas gospel outreaches in countries like India and Romania.

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Mealtime, Meet Mission Time

We want to partner with you to make a difference in the lives of children around the world. By hosting an event for you and your community, you can spread the word about Mission to Children. Host a dinner party, have a bonfire, a beach night, or a game night. Whatever is in the natural rhythm of life for you and your community. Somewhere in the evening, talk about why you support Mission to Children and encourage those in attendance to do the same. 

Send us a message if you’re interested in hosting your own event.