Fall 2021 Newsletter

Made in God’s image

By Jacqueline McCarter

At first glance, Fadhili is a somewhat typical 7-year-old boy. He loves playing football and watching cartoons. He’s active, bright, and wants to be a teacher when he grows up. Fadhili is more unique in that he’s becoming an exceptionally good teacher already.

But what kind of knowledge does a 7-year-old child growing up in Kenya, Africa, in total poverty, with 5 siblings, unbelieving parents, and a neglectful, alcoholic father have to teach others?

And how does he do it? Thanks to you, Fadhili knows and is being discipled in the Truth!

In June of 2021, you gave Fadhili the opportunity to attend a Gospel Outreach where he heard the Gospel message proclaimed, learned about Jesus, learned that he is dearly loved, and that he is made in the image of God!

And by God’s grace through faith, Fadhili has committed himself to loving and following Christ. His mother and his teachers have noticed improved behavior at school, and also where it is most difficult for Fadhili–at home.

Fadhili is learning to see and love himself through his Heavenly Father’s eyes.

In fact, his favorite Bible verse is Psalm 139:14 – I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well (NASB).

Not something he ever learned at home. But with unabashed childlike faith, Fadhili is embracing God’s truth for himself, and he’s learning to recognize it as true for others as well. Fadhili is learning that even his neglectful, alcoholic father is fearfully, wonderfully made in the image of God!

Like any good teacher, Fadhili is a sharp student. When he learns a valuable lesson, he first applies it to his own life, practices it even when difficult, then shares it with others who really need to know.

Now Fadhili is sharing the Gospel with his family! And his mother and siblings have expressed an interest in attending church.

Fadhili is also learning to show God’s love toward his father who, like himself, has done absolutely nothing to deserve it.

Our Kenyan field partners who are discipling Fadhili will be meeting with his family to share God’s love and create friendships so they may be of further assistance to Fadhili and his siblings.

Please pray for:

  1. Fadhili to grow in his love for God and continue into adulthood as a powerful ambassador for Christ.
  2. Salvation for Fadhili’s family.
  3. Fadhili’s father to seek God’s help, stop drinking and become a Godly parent who lovingly, adequately attends to the needs of his family.

God at work through your gifts

You supplied 952 Bibles to children of persecuted
families in Vietnam, which is only 2.5% Christian.

You supplied 952 Bibles to children of persecuted families in Vietnam. Open Doors has invited Mission to Children to help equip the tribal church and Sunday school leaders with 50,000 Bibles this year for discipling children.

You fed and evangelized 120 street children through our first gospel outreach in Mali. Many of them are young boys who survive as beggars in the Muslim community.

You fed and evangelized 94 tribal children in Kenya who are heavily influenced by the Muslim community.

You recently sent 700 lower-caste children back to school after missing an entire year of education. You also supplied each student with a backpack, school supplies, Bible literature, and daily lunch.

You supplied one month of relief to 54 families in Afghanistan. Each relief package included 30 days of food, warm clothing, tents, and an audio Bible made for mobile phones. This project is carried out through Action International to share God’s love in word and deed with Muslim families in crisis.

Thank You!

Thank you and welcome, new Hope Bringers! You’ve helped us successfully complete the matching grant challenge and launch our new monthly giving program!

The challenge is complete, but you can still become a Hope Bringer! Help bring hope across developing countries through children transformed by the gospel by setting up a monthly gift.

Click the button below to learn more about becoming a Hope Bringer!

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Mealtime, Meet Mission Time

We want to partner with you to make a difference in the lives of children around the world. By hosting an event for you and your community, you can spread the word about Mission to Children. Host a dinner party, have a bonfire, a beach night, or a game night. Whatever is in the natural rhythm of life for you and your community. Somewhere in the evening, talk about why you support Mission to Children and encourage those in attendance to do the same. 

Send us a message if you’re interested in hosting your own event.