Our partner orphanage in South India is facing intimidation

Updated May 8, 2018: God answered your prayers by protecting our partner orphanage in South India! Our field partner successfully hosted a prayer walk around the orphanage without any incidents this past weekend. It was a special time of prayer and worship for the children, the local pastors, and visiting graduates from the orphanage. The prayers of your heart mixed with their songs of thanksgiving resulting in praise and thanks to God.

Our partner orphanage in South India is facing intimidation.

They are in desperate need of God’s protection for the short and long-term!

This orphanage has been a hub for ministry and a beacon of light in its surrounding community. Lift up the on-site ministry team that will prayer walk around the orphanage this weekend.

Who needs our prayer?

50-60 children and youth at this orphanage, its staff, and the connected ministry workers in the outside community. For security reasons we must keep the orphanage and its location confidential.

Who is going on the prayer walk around the actual orphanage?

70 Indian pastors and ministry workers are unifying for this prayer walk around the orphanage and then throughout the surrounding community.


What days do I pray?

Friday-Sunday, May 4-6

What time?

Our partner orphanage is in the India Standard Time zone (UTC/GMT+5:30 hours).

Across North America, the local time for the prayer walk will be:

9:30 p.m. PST

10:30 p.m. MST

11:30 p.m. CST

12:30 a.m. EST

Pray for:

  •  Protection of children, staff, and the local ministry teams
  • That God would turn this evil adversity for good
  • That the powerful name of Jesus would spread across the community through this orphanage
  • An outpouring of God’s Spirit through the believing children and the local ministry teams connected with the orphanage.
  • A hunger and thirst for the righteousness that only Jesus Christ can satisfy
  • An overflowing of gratitude for the sure help God will provide


Pray alone, with your family, or even your church.

Pray Scriptures such as Isaiah 40:25-31, Psalm 23, 2 Chronicles 20:15-19, Colossians 1:9-14, 1 Thessalonians 5:8-11, Ephesians 3:14-20.

Trust that God will minister to you in a special way. That He will act on behalf of this orphanage to make His great Name known. He is the Deliverer (Psalm 103:6-7).

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