God’s Amazing Ripple Effects

From My Heart – God’s Amazing Ripple Effects

Do you enjoy true stories of God at work today? Read this, be amazed, and thank Him for another of His gracious blessings on this ministry:

One day several years ago, a young professional with a PhD in literature boarded a train in southern India. During that ride, a fellow passenger gave Raj Singh (name changed) a booklet from our Character Solutions ministry entitled “Christlikeness.”

As the train rolled along, Dr. Singh began reading about the character of Jesus Christ. God’s Spirit worked in his heart. He realized that Christ alone could save him from the “wages” of his sin. He understood that the shed blood of God the Son on the cross of Calvary gave him forgiveness of sin. Christ’s resurrection gave him the assurance of eternal life. Dr. Singh became a citizen of heaven.

Although well versed in the Hindu scripture and brought up in orthodox Hindu tradition, he boldly walked away from the Hindu faith. He was baptized, joined a worshiping community, and started sharing Gospel truth with non-Christians!

Then Raj’s father died. As the eldest son, the family expected Raj to perform the funeral rituals—which demanded worshiping idols and sacrificing to Hindu gods.

But with courage and conviction, in front of family and friends, Raj instead shared his testimony. The whole family and the community became hostile towards Raj. They humiliated him and chased him away from his family and out of the community.

Raj walked out of his village with deep emotional scars, weeping and realizing the cost of being a disciple of Christ. The family refused Raj his portion of family wealth, since he is no more in the Hindu fold. Diligently clinging to the Word of God, he started living by faith.

This past September, Raj led in teaching Christlike character to more than 590 barefoot Gospel workers! In his second training, he mobilized 450 new believers and trained them likewise. Hundreds more were reached during the Christmas season in various districts of Karnataka State.

By early January 2017, more than 350 accepted God’s saving grace, committed their lives to Christ, and joined worshiping communities in various villages. Dr. Raj Singh has a vision for Karnataka State. He is committed and passionate about Kingdom work.

Spreading the aroma of Christ throughout the nations, we model, mentor and multiply disciples.

Sometimes it begins on a train ride. Other times it begins at an Easter outreach dinner for the oppressed. God’s amazing ripple effects are exciting experiences. Alleluia!

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