High Crime District becomes a Character Colony

Ministry Impact through Recent Christmas Dinner

High Crime District becomes a Character Colony


They live in roadside huts or tents, endure frequent abuse, and suffer from malnutrition. They are neglected or deserted by parents who most often are illiterate fishermen or vagabonds who make money by gambling, drugs or thievery. Crime is high.

Children bring the abuse they experience to school, and abuse each other without remorse. Can knowing Jesus and the right path to God change this community?

It was to a group of 3,000 of these children and youth that a ministry partner chose to bring their Mission to Children 2016 Christmas outreach in South India. Their outreach last year had been very successful in a similar nearby area. A local schoolteacher who attended it was deeply moved by the emphasis on Christlike character. He felt that the children in his own nearby community also desperately needed this teaching about God’s love, and arranged for our Indian partners to come to this neighboring community for their Christmas outreach.

They set up a tent in the middle of the village on a cold blustery day. At first, the often-disobedient students refused to come; but prayer and the aroma of hot food finally brought them to see what was happening!

Seating that many children by size on the tarp took a while—putting the smallest in the front. The program began with the Gospel presentation—verses about God’s love and our need for Him to forgive our sins. After this, the children had an opportunity to respond. A team member prayed powerfully for the children. Character examples from the Bible and history challenged them to show God’s lovingkindness to others.

Although the students came to this outreach reluctantly, they left joyfully. They literally jumped for joy when they received a small gift at the end.

But did it make a difference? A week later the school’s headmaster contacted our partner and reported that his students are unexpectedly calmer, friendlier—and they even listen to their teachers! This change came after the special MTC Christmas outreach and the teaching about accepting God’s lovingkindness for themselves and then reflecting His kindness to others.

He invited our partner to return, adding one request:  “From now on please let this area be known as a ‘Character Colony.’  We are seeing our children’s character change for the better.”

Thank you, Mission to Children supporters, for your prayers and gifts. You influenced an entire community for Jesus.

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Mealtime, Meet Mission Time

We want to partner with you to make a difference in the lives of children around the world. By hosting an event for you and your community, you can spread the word about Mission to Children. Host a dinner party, have a bonfire, a beach night, or a game night. Whatever is in the natural rhythm of life for you and your community. Somewhere in the evening, talk about why you support Mission to Children and encourage those in attendance to do the same. 

Send us a message if you’re interested in hosting your own event.