Jesus Loves Me, a Timeless Truth for Challenging Times

A Familiar Hymn Encourages a Young Girl’s Heart in Africa

Mission to Children’s monthly giving program (Hope Bringers) supports dozens of childcare centers in Malawi. At each center, children are fed and taught about God’s love. And within reach of every childcare center are Christians who have been equipped to disciple the children who want to learn more about God’s love. Below is a testimony about one of the children in Malawi.

Brenda’s smile lights up as she hums the familiar tune of “Jesus Loves Me.”

This melody, simple yet profound, has become her personal anthem, sung almost daily since the day she first learned it at the Kids Bible Club at the tender age of 13.

“My teacher taught it to us on the very first day,” Brenda recalls, her eyes sparkling with joy. “It got stuck in my head, and I just had to sing it again for my parents when I got home.”

The song’s message of God’s love resonated deeply with Brenda. It’s not just a song, it’s a truth grounded in the Bible. In a world that can often feel harsh and unforgiving, “Jesus Loves Me” offered a comforting assurance: she was not alone, she was cherished.

Every month through Mission to Children’s Malawi collaboration, the impact of Kids Bible Clubs has been extending beyond just learning songs. Children like Brenda are learning valuable lessons about sharing and caring for others.

“We learn about being kind and helping each other,” she explains, her voice filled with conviction. “I even started sharing my pencils at school!”

Brenda, now a third-grader, embodies the spirit of the Kids Bible Club. Her infectious enthusiasm and unwavering faith are a testimony to the transforming power of God’s word in her heart. No one is too young or too old to know that God loves them.

As Brenda continues to sing her favorite song, one can’t help but feel a sense of hope. For in her joyful melody, we hear the love of Jesus radiating through Brenda’s heart to others.

John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.”

Photo by Babyman Works on Unsplash

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