July Project Impact Report

You’ve given precious Dorcas a future and a hope

Dorcas’ opportunity for change came at age 4 when she came to the Kajiado Childcare Centre. She had already endured a lifetime’s worth of suffering.

Dorcas’ family is terribly poor. They struggle to survive by farming their small patch of land in rural Kenya—and it’s hard to make ends meet. Neither of Dorcas’ parents can read or write, and they have little hope that things will ever be easier.

Dorcas is the fourth of seven siblings. Like her brothers and sisters, she often goes to bed hungry. But for Dorcas, life is especially hard. Dorcas underwent surgery to have both her legs amputated—and since then, her life has been indescribably tough.

After her surgery, Dorcas’ parents could not pay for her ongoing medical treatment—and certainly couldn’t afford for her to be fitted with prosthetics. As such, Dorcas could only move by crawling on her hands and knees. She abandoned her education—unable to join her siblings on the long walk to the nearest school several miles from home.

But now, thanks to your support, Dorcas’ life has been turned around! Mission to Children partners have stepped in to help this precious girl. We have provided funds for her to be fitted with prosthetics and now she is once again able to walk! She has enrolled back in school, and is working hard to catch up on the education she’s missed.

Of course Dorcas has not only been blessed with the practical gift of mobility, but she’s also been spiritually renewed as she has a fresh sense of her worth and value in God’s sight.

For Dorcas, the promise of the prophet Jeremiah is being fulfilled with each passing day, as she grows in her independence and embraces the Lord’s higher purpose for her life. “For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts . . . to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

Thank you for easing Laura’s Burden

Laura carries a heavy load. As director of the Children’s Oasis Educational Centre in Romania, she shoulders great responsibilities and faces many challenges.


Sebastian is just one of the children under Laura’s care. No one knows his exact age as he has no official documents. Sebastian’s mother thinks he is about six years old—but her mental illness means she can’t really remember when he was born.

“Sebastian and his two brothers, Daniel and Emanuel, need constant supervision,” explains Laura. “They exhibit very destructive behavior when they are at our Center. I have tried many times to convince their parents that they need specialized care—but they have not listened to my advice.”

And so Laura is doing all she can to bring stability, love, and hope to Sebastian, Daniel and Emanuel—giving them the opportunity to embrace God’s higher purpose for their lives. It’s not easy. Often the boys choose to beg on the streets rather than come to the Center. And all Laura’s efforts to secure official documents for the boys have failed.

Thanks to your support, Mission to Children has recently enabled Laura to employ a full-time teacher at the Center to focus on educating the kids—freeing Laura to focus on providing practical and spiritual support for the kids like Sebastian in her care. Thank you for easing her burden!

Please keep Laura and the children she serves in your prayers in the coming months—that each one will be transformed as they embrace their higher purpose in Christ!

Easter Outreach: The ripples of blessing spread wide

Thanks to friends like you, our Easter Outreach program this year has had a far-reaching impact all over the world. Here are just a few highlights, showing how your gifts and prayers have brought true hope and new life!

Our teams welcomed 87 homeless adults and children—providing them with a hot meal and a bag of groceries to take home. Alongside this practical care, our guests also heard the resurrection story of hope and new life in Christ.

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In one village alone, 160 kids attended a week-long Vacation Bible School. Many responded to the Gospel message—and the Mission to Children team has since started home Bible studies for these new believers and seekers. Let’s ask the Lord to bring much fruit from this ongoing work.



Our partners in Rajahmundry chose an ocean-side village for their Easter Outreach program—a deprived and isolated community unreached by the Gospel . . . until now. Many kids were deeply moved as they were taught the story of Zacchaeus. 14-year-old Rohan responded in repentance and felt “joy in her heart”! Please ask the Lord to protect and grow the seeds of faith that have been planted in many young hearts in this village.


In the state of Orissa 3,500 people attended an Easter program. They heard the Resurrection story and enjoyed a delicious lunch. The teams also visited 5 tribal areas to encourage new believers. In one village, 29 people were baptized in a nearby stream. Please pray for these brothers and sisters who live in one of India’s fiercest persecution hotspots.


Worship presenting the word of God

Our Bangalore team served meals and presented the Gospel to 2,247 children and parents. They demonstrated God’s love to: outcast Dalits, orphans, the blind, cancer sufferers, temple prostitutes, and members of the leper community. Thank God that the Easter message speaks of true and lasting hope for all—even the most oppressed and deprived!

a Child and a old woman enjoy the food (1)

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Mealtime, Meet Mission Time

We want to partner with you to make a difference in the lives of children around the world. By hosting an event for you and your community, you can spread the word about Mission to Children. Host a dinner party, have a bonfire, a beach night, or a game night. Whatever is in the natural rhythm of life for you and your community. Somewhere in the evening, talk about why you support Mission to Children and encourage those in attendance to do the same. 

Send us a message if you’re interested in hosting your own event.