October 2020 Special Thankfulness Issue

We are thankful to God for His steadfast faithfulness to Mission to Children for over 50 years. And we are thankful for you and your generosity.


Your year-end and monthly gifts allow us to continue providing food and other essential items to an estimated 5,000 children, youth, and adults in India each year. Your giving allows us to continue Biblically counseling, ministering to, and supporting the children we’ve been helping since long before the onset of COVID-19. And your financial support is essential to restoring hope in the form of an education for 880 children and youth.

We continue trusting in God’s provision during these challenging, uncertain times, and we look forward to seeing what He will do….

From My Heart…
Giving Thanks in All Circumstances


By Byron Garmo, President

Throughout salvation history, times of great need preceded displays of God’s power and glory. This reminds me of Jesus feeding the five thousand in John 6. That miracle came to fruition because a young boy opened up his hand to Jesus: Five loaves of barley bread and two fish.

Barley bread at that time was poor people’s food. Yet God used it to bring incredible nourishment to a surging crowd. Imagine how that boy’s understanding of God’s greatness increased after such a meal! Jesus always welcomed children, even child participation.
What else can we observe from this miracle? Philip saw the lack of bread and fish. Jesus saw the same bread and fish … yet gave thanks.

In my family history, Papa Gustafson was a thankful person. Though his last years were marked by medical appointments and emergencies, he saw the bright side of things. I was told that once during a prayer meeting, he named several injuries (in incredible detail) that needed prayer. Yet remarkably, he finished the request with a laugh, “… but my feet work!”

Papa Gustafson didn’t give thanks only once. By God’s grace, thankfulness became a habit for him. And by God’s grace, Papa’s thankfulness became a legacy to us (Psalm 145:4). Through the gospel, we can each experience this same joy through thankfulness because God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

“… I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.” Philippians 4:11-13, NASB

What’s in your hand today?

Write us to share how God’s faithfulness inspired thankfulness during challenging times. We’d love to know.

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Mealtime, Meet Mission Time

We want to partner with you to make a difference in the lives of children around the world. By hosting an event for you and your community, you can spread the word about Mission to Children. Host a dinner party, have a bonfire, a beach night, or a game night. Whatever is in the natural rhythm of life for you and your community. Somewhere in the evening, talk about why you support Mission to Children and encourage those in attendance to do the same. 

Send us a message if you’re interested in hosting your own event.