Spring 2021 Newsletter

Tears, Thanksgiving, a Bun, and a Banana

By Byron Garmo, President

The height of one’s response to a gift suggests the depth of need met.

Your gifts brought hope in the name of Jesus through our partner ministry hub in South India. You enabled front-line Christians to buy, assemble, and distribute 370 Dry Ration Kits through gospel outreaches.

These ration kits significantly diffused fear and uncertainty for 1,500 people. For thirty days, families were assured of something to eat. Along with food, families were provided Gospel tracts and DVDs about Jesus.

Most outreaches took place at the front door of the ministry hub. Ministry staff used each distribution effort as an opportunity to share the Good News, pray for visitors, and listen to their stories. In some cases, ration kits were brought great distances to feed remote families.

In response to God’s provision, there has been an outpouring of thanksgiving from recipient families. And praise the Lord, 25 people have been baptized as a result of the outreaches!

I am told that the stories coming from the ministry hub plumb a depth of emotions. The Director of the ministry hub shared with me about a parent who had walked some distance to get a ration kit.

Seeing that this parent was incredibly tired as he approached the ministry hub’s front door, the staff gave him a bun and a banana. And in response to that gift … he wept. He shared with the staff, “You may not believe this, but I have not eaten a bun for several months. God answered my prayer today.”

“For truly, I say to you, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you belong to Christ will by no means lose his reward.” Mark 9:41

While you and I in North America may not weep over a banana or a bun, there are plenty of stories to weep about. One such story belongs to Mivaan. At the front door of the ministry hub, she tearfully explained about her situation at home with an alcoholic husband. Now aware of Mivaan’s situation, they are seeking to care for her and her three children.

It’s hard to see how these families would’ve coped without your help. Thank you for joining in His work, to make His great name known in India.

Please pray with us…

Pray for our partner Ministry Hub staff in India. That God strengthens them for each interaction with distressed children and their families, encourages their hearts to continue reaching out, and provides much needed periods of rest.

Pray for Christians to unite and take courage in the face of persecution, and for God’s protection over them.*

Pray for salvation for each of the young people receiving Bible lessons at their local churches in Uganda following the Christmas Gospel Outreaches. Pray that they will be effectively discipled, and that they will become bold witnesses for Christ in their communities.

Uganda has huge missionary potential, but few Ugandan believers serve in missions cross-culturally or abroad. Please pray for the Church to train and send Ugandan missionaries out into His harvest.*

*Johnstone, P. (2015). Pray for the World (Operation World Resources) [Kindle Android version].

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Mealtime, Meet Mission Time

We want to partner with you to make a difference in the lives of children around the world. By hosting an event for you and your community, you can spread the word about Mission to Children. Host a dinner party, have a bonfire, a beach night, or a game night. Whatever is in the natural rhythm of life for you and your community. Somewhere in the evening, talk about why you support Mission to Children and encourage those in attendance to do the same. 

Send us a message if you’re interested in hosting your own event.