Spring 2022 Ministry Update

You and I have a lot to thank God for this spring, especially as we prepare to celebrate Christ’s resurrection this upcoming Easter. Speaking of Easter, several supporters have asked me if we still do Christmas and Easter gospel outreaches. My response has been, “Yes, we do! But over the last 24 months, we’ve had to reschedule them because of the pandemic.” However, I’m pleased to share with you that we’ve already funded this year’s first round of Easter gospel outreaches set to take place in India this spring. We sent $5,000 to evangelize and feed 2,000 children who live in a variety of slums and villages. The funds will be used to provide gospel literature, transportation, and meals.

Though the first Easter outreach in India is now funded, you can still help contribute to the Vacation Bible School (VBS) events that will follow later this summer. In Africa, we’re planning gospel outreaches in several countries. Once we have a clearer picture of when the outreaches will begin, we’ll let you know so that you can join us in making them happen.

New partnership

Mission to Children is now a partner of Third Millennium Ministries, a non-profit Evangelical Christian ministry. Thirdmill launched in 1997 to create multimedia curriculum for Christian leaders everywhere. Their mission is to prepare Christian leaders to lead a transformation of the world into God’s Kingdom by providing biblical education, for the world, for free. Their curriculum consists of three central elements: graphic-driven videos, printed instruction, and internet resources available in over 20 languages.

Partnering with Thirdmill will help us connect the children we evangelize and feed at gospel outreaches to a biblically trained pastor afterward. A well-trained Christian pastor who accurately handles scripture, who can teach and disciple these children using solid biblical doctrine. By God’s grace, if we can better equip front-line Christians through solid Bible training (that we don’t have to create), then we can potentially grow our reach and deepen our impact without compromising Biblical truth.

Postal Mail

You may have noticed that we’re sending less postal mail. Not too long ago we learned from a donor survey that many of you would prefer to receive less mail. We value your feedback, and we’d love to hear from more of you on this subject.

I’ve shared some things that are on my heart and mind, but what is God laying on your heart this year for Mission to Children? Would you let me know on the enclosed reply device? Or you can email me at: info@missiontochildren.org

In Christ,

Byron Garmo, President

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Mealtime, Meet Mission Time

We want to partner with you to make a difference in the lives of children around the world. By hosting an event for you and your community, you can spread the word about Mission to Children. Host a dinner party, have a bonfire, a beach night, or a game night. Whatever is in the natural rhythm of life for you and your community. Somewhere in the evening, talk about why you support Mission to Children and encourage those in attendance to do the same. 

Send us a message if you’re interested in hosting your own event.