Out of Darkness:
Shining God’s Light Among Afghan Refugees
By Jacqueline McCarter
August-December 2021, you helped bring emergency relief and the gospel to 200 displaced families fleeing from Afghanistan into Pakistan. Through your generosity, these families gratefully accepted tents, food, clothing, medical kits, audio Bibles, and coloring books for their children.
A Pakistani Christian shared this powerful testimony:
We met a refugee sister in Christ, Sister “N”. She is a strong believer and loves the Lord so much. One night she had a dream that Jesus was standing on her balcony and calling to her. She went to Him, and the light from Jesus came upon her and into her body. She began crying aloud, waking up her husband and children. She told them about the dream. At first, her husband resisted, but then he had the same dream and began believing in Jesus. The entire family accepted Christ, but can’t share this with anyone, and they have been unable to get baptized.
Sister N was attacked three times by the Taliban, but God rescued her each time. As her family was fleeing Afghanistan, the Taliban beheaded her three brothers right in front of her, then forced her sexually. Sister N and many other families are praying for invitation letters from safe countries in the West. The place where they are staying is not safe from the Taliban.
- Pray that God will protect and resettle Afghan refugees in safe countries.
- Pakistani Christians have been chased by Pakistan’s secret service agency and the Taliban. Pray for God’s protection so that they can continue serving Afghan refugees.
Your partnership with Mission to Children matters. Thank you!
“We are so grateful for your prayers, support, and encouragement to go into the darkest place on this earth. But the light of Jesus is enough to remove all kinds of darkness. Again, we are thankful and full of gratitude for your love, care, and prayers. We love you and let’s continue to serve our Lord together.”
-Pakistani Front-line Christian
Due to safety concerns, and out of an abundance of caution: Names, images, and other details are disguised as necessary to protect the identities and whereabouts of children, family members, refugees, and field partners.

Hope Bringers:
Mission to Children’s new monthly giving program
Hope Bringers is our new monthly giving program that connects your heart and generosity with our vision: Bringing hope across developing countries through children transformed by the gospel.
Why the name, “Hope Bringers”? Because we believe hope starts with YOU! You bring hope to children globally through prayer and monthly giving. We also see the children we reach as Hope Bringers in their own countries. By faith, we believe that the children we reach today may become the faces of global missions tomorrow. And most importantly, we desire to see Christ exalted among the nations. He is our ultimate hope.

Last fall we launched Hope Bringers and the positive response overwhelmed us. Thank you and congratulations to each of our USA Hope Bringers! Together you’ve pledged over $20,500 in new monthly gifts to match the grant and get Hope Bringers off to a great start. Thank you!