Our Ugandan partner shared that this past Saturday, 261 children attended the discipleship meeting at his church alone. He believes we are seeing “an unusual work of God”.

Spring 2023 Newsletter

“An Unusual Work of God” in UGANDA”

By Jacqueline McCarter

10 gospel outreaches. 10 villages. An estimated 4,000 children fed and evangelized at Christmas. Thank you for your giving and your prayers!

God didn’t stop here, though. Following the outreaches, 55 new discipleship groups are meeting regularly throughout Uganda. 3,170 children are being discipled. Our Ugandan partner shared that this past Saturday, 261 children attended the discipleship meeting at his church alone. He believes we are seeing “an unusual work of God”. His heart’s desire is to do everything possible to further God’s work in and among at-risk children.

And God is definitely working. 11-year-old Gerald was saved 2 years ago following a gospel outreach. Gerald is 1 of 12 children born into a polygamous family. His mother is the 3rd of his father’s 3 wives. Gerald’s father randomly shows up every couple of months or so.

But Gerald has been undergoing discipleship since he gave his life to the Lord. He has since become a committed church member. He knows polygamy is wrong in the eyes of the Lord. At the same time, he battles feelings of insecurity with his father never being home, and his mother working to support the family. He worries about whether or not he will receive an education.

Even so, Gerald distinguishes himself as a leader in his church and in his community. He loves sharing the gospel! Our partner is excited for Gerald’s future. He suspects that Gerald will grow up to be a pastor or evangelist.

THANK YOU from Uganda

Amidst heightening persecution in India, your prayer and giving enabled us to produce and send Thankfulness Guides to our partner in Uganda. Our partner uses the Guide to help disciple at-risk children in his church. But he shared gratitude that the Guide is also greatly impacting his own life, and positively influencing the lives of his family members.
Balinda is a fellow church member and teacher who recently lost her husband to Covid. Balinda shared that the Thankfulness Guide helps her and her children remain thankful to God. She also uses the Guide with her students at school, and to help children in her church family.

Christmas Gospel Outreaches: INDIA

By Jacqueline McCarter

Amidst heightening persecution in India, your prayer and sacrificial giving fed and evangelized 3,000 children at Christmas! Thanks to you, at-risk children from 30 slums, villages, and tribal belts heard the gospel. They received hot meals, snacks, Christmas presents, and much-needed gifts of blankets, towels, and toiletries.

• 350 children and parents made decisions for Christ.
• 30 new believers are ready to be baptized.
• 4 new house churches have been planted.

PLUS…God opened an unexpected door!

Even with the Anti-Conversion Law in effect, our partner obtained permission from the education department to produce and broadcast a Christmas Story video in the native language. 92,000 children are reported to have watched the video! Please pray that these children heard and understood the gospel message, and that they too will make decisions for Christ.

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Mealtime, Meet Mission Time

We want to partner with you to make a difference in the lives of children around the world. By hosting an event for you and your community, you can spread the word about Mission to Children. Host a dinner party, have a bonfire, a beach night, or a game night. Whatever is in the natural rhythm of life for you and your community. Somewhere in the evening, talk about why you support Mission to Children and encourage those in attendance to do the same. 

Send us a message if you’re interested in hosting your own event.