Summer 2022 Newsletter


By Jacqueline McCarter

Mission to Children is excited to have partnered for the first time in a Zambia gospel outreach on June 25, 2022. Your generosity enabled 106 street children ages 5-20 years old to hear the gospel! Children also received two meals and a snack, health screenings, medical treatment, baths, warm clothing, gift boxes (including discipleship booklets), and were taught about basic health and hygiene.

The night before the outreach, gospel workers walked dark crime-ridden streets of three densely-populated areas of Lusaka. They located children who were living on the streets and arranged to have them transported to the outreach the next morning by bus. Some adult street dwellers referred to as “Commanders” tried to prevent gospel workers from taking the children, as they did not want to sacrifice child labor they use to sell drugs and perform other illegal street activities. But gospel workers persisted, and a little over an hour later, the buses continued on their way.

At the outreach, volunteer workers divided the children into three age groups. Each child was assigned to one of three pastors who preached the gospel using teaching materials best suited for their age group.

It was a cold day, and understandably, behavior was an issue. But many of the children also suffered from various physical ailments ranging from rashes and scabies to coughs and colds. About half of the girls were either pregnant or had babies with them. Teaching the older children proved especially challenging, as a number of them came to the outreach drowsy from having taken an illicit street drug called “Genkeme“ the night before.

Even so, a total of fifty children expressed a desire to give their lives to Christ and prayed to receive Him into their hearts. Praise God!

Each child who responded to the gospel was prayed over and counseled regarding their decision, and strongly encouraged to attend a 12-week follow-up discipleship course.

Would you please pray for the children who are now being discipled, and for those who are discipling them?

Due to safety concerns, and out of an abundance of caution: Names, images, and other details are disguised or substituted as necessary to protect the identities and whereabouts of children, family members, refugees, and field partners.

Kids Reaching Kids for Jesus

By Jacqueline McCarter

The Ambassador Program in Uganda teaches kids to reach kids for Jesus. Our Ugandan partner started the outreach program at his church to help disciple children who come to Christ following Mission to Children collaborative Gospel outreaches. As ambassadors for Christ, children are discipled with the help of materials provided by Mission to Children and sent back out into their community to reach other children with the love of Jesus. And that’s where Fazilah comes in.

Child ambassadors found Fazilah living in the Wabigalo slum. She and her family were already struggling with poverty, but were further broken by her parents’ divorce during the Covid lockdown. The children had compassion for Fazilah and asked the church to help her.

The church welcomed Fazilah with open arms. She joined the Saturday children’s ministry, and there she came to faith in Christ! She is now committed to reading God’s word, praying, fellowship, and serving. She loves ushering and singing, and she is using her gifts to serve others.

For Fazilah, Jesus is her refuge in trouble and her help in difficulties.

Fazilah’s prayer is that God will provide for her food, medical care, and tuition.

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Mealtime, Meet Mission Time

We want to partner with you to make a difference in the lives of children around the world. By hosting an event for you and your community, you can spread the word about Mission to Children. Host a dinner party, have a bonfire, a beach night, or a game night. Whatever is in the natural rhythm of life for you and your community. Somewhere in the evening, talk about why you support Mission to Children and encourage those in attendance to do the same. 

Send us a message if you’re interested in hosting your own event.