Monthly donors are helping to feed 1,600 children in Malawi!
In Malawi, we’ve partnered with Save Orphans Ministries to feed, evangelize, and disciple around 6,000 children at 102 childcare centers in a region that is about 70% Muslim. This new initiative will launch because of our monthly donors. Can you believe that it only costs $2.50 per month to feed a child at one of these centers? We’re looking for more monthly givers to help carry out our FEED (find-evangelize-engage-disciple) strategy over the next 12 months so that all 6,000 Malawian children will hear about Jesus without wondering where their next meal will come from.
Byron Garmo and the executive director of Save Orphans Ministries, Justin Majawa, have known each other for a number of years. They’re excited to finally collaborate so that together we can make an impact to reach the next generation for Christ in these turbulent times.
Also in the same region of Malawi, your gifts helped restore 20 childcare centers that were destroyed by Cyclone Freddy (early 2023). These childcare centers are found across Malawi and are essential places where local children are fed, evangelized, and discipled.