When You Give a Feast, Invite the Poor … And You will Be Blessed

One of our favorite, annual ministry outreaches is during Christmas when supporters enable Christian witnesses to minister to the broken lives of the poor and downcast within their communities. This is Mission to Children: Ministry in the margins of society—to the forgotten, the disregarded, the ineligible in man’s eyes. They are excluded from society’s love and therefore the local economy, but not God’s. Below is a preview of some Christmas outreach results shared directly from our field partners. Our March newsletter will share more highlights.

Here’s who you loved the poor on purpose

But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind. And you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you; for you shall be repaid at the resurrection of the just.” Luke 14:13-23.


Over 3,700 including 420 adult male prisoners at the Luzira Main Prison and street boys in the community.


On December 11th an event was planned at the local church, all the children prepared for it and performed beautifully in front of their parents and church members, over 100 people present. It was the first time the homeless sat next to members of local community and no tragedy/complaint happened. They all loved the children’s performance. Most of the children never knew the story of Jesus’ birth, not did know any carols or poems. Laura then explained the reason why this performance happened and the real meaning of Christmas. After the meeting everyone was invited to eat the food that was prepared for them.

It was the first time the homeless sat next to members of local community and no tragedy/complaint happened.

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Most of the homeless children never knew about the story of Jesus’ birth; nor did know any carols or poems.

On December 18th another event was planned. The plan was for the parents of the children to come over to the centre and receive their food parcels and pick up the children. In the meantime, students from a local University arrived with more gifts and pizza (very first time this ever happened to us) that everyone enjoyed. We noticed that majority of the homeless parents and the other homeless people did not come at the right time. We then found out from those that came that they were demanded to move out of their premises by the evening so they sought shelter at the homeless shelter in the city. They sent word to Laura to take the children to the shelter later on. Laura went to the shelter and found out that there were around 70 people there.

The Oaza team packed all the food parcels and doubled the hot food initially made and took it to the shelter. Food parcels for the needy and the homeless families made of: canned food, pasta, rice, oil, sugar, margarine, beans, bread, sweets and toiletries. Every child and adult received a Christmas shoe box gift from a charity in Scotland. Every person received clothes and toiletries.

A hot meal made out of cabbage, meat, rice and bread was followed by desert.

Romanian orphans in a transitional program radiate holding their very own Christmas gifts from you



At India, in addition to street children, orphans, and destitute families, these men ostracized by leprosy found reasons to smile this past Christmas

The Mission to Children continues to demonstrate God’s love to villages and communities suffering from the leprosy stigma.



Costa Rica

“As a mother, it is hard to (comprehend) that your children are going hungry. To have to tell your child when he’s hungry that you don’t have anything to give him is tough. This basket is an incredible blessing and it fills me with peace. Thank you!”

From our partner in San Jose, Costa Rica: With great effort and thanks to the support of several people, including the Mission to Children supporters, we were able to gather the necessary funds to not only provide a food basket to the families we had chosen, but we were able to help 6 additional families, whose situation of need during the month of December worsened.

Each family also received a “Blessing Card” along with the food including a verse Mathew 6:26: “Look at the birds. They don’t plant or harvest or store food in barns, for your heavenly Father feeds them. And aren’t you far more valuable to Him than they are?”

The words of gratitude received from the beneficiary families were many, for instance Karla C, who works as a street vendor and is the mother of 4 children. She expressed the following: “As a mother it is hard to know that your children are going hungry.  I don’t mind if I don’t get to eat, but if there’s no food, what are you going to do? But to have your child tell you when he’s hungry that you don’t have anything to give them is tough. This basket is an incredible blessing and it fills me with peace. Thank you!”

We were greatly blessed as well by the father of two children, Johnny C: “We hit rock bottom, not having a job, and not being able to give my children what they need. It is difficult. But you have helped us rise when we needed it the most. My children and I are so thankful for everything you do, for helping us move forward.”

Our efforts brought relief, rest, peace, hope and new strengths to more than 100 people.

This is what Christmas is all about!

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Mealtime, Meet Mission Time

We want to partner with you to make a difference in the lives of children around the world. By hosting an event for you and your community, you can spread the word about Mission to Children. Host a dinner party, have a bonfire, a beach night, or a game night. Whatever is in the natural rhythm of life for you and your community. Somewhere in the evening, talk about why you support Mission to Children and encourage those in attendance to do the same. 

Send us a message if you’re interested in hosting your own event.