This (2024) Christmas season, you made it possible for over 13,000 children throughout Uganda to attend a Gospel Outreach, where they received a healthy meal, heard the gospel, and participated in fun activities! 3,396 children and adults who attended an Outreach professed faith in Christ.
Our Ugandan partner ministered to children at 20 Gospel Outreaches in various villages over the course of 5 weeks. He’s happy to report that 9 new child discipleship groups have formed as a result of the Outreaches, and existing discipleship groups have been strengthened.
He also shared some of his firsthand interactions with the children.
Children were very excited. They didn’t want to go back. Life in Northern Uganda is difficult. Children only get to eat meat
on Christmas, and juice is seen as a miracle. Many tasted juice for the first time. Others ate meat for the first time since last
A 13-year-old girl named Irene saw me and ran to greet me. She’d attended last year’s Outreach and was so excited to see
me back again. The children kept asking, “Are you coming back next year?” I encouraged them to continue with discipleship.
God is indeed blessing our country through the Outreaches.
Thank you,
~Pastor A.