In many respects, Kelvin is an A-student now. But nothing has come easy for this19-year-old Zambian boy. He was pulled out of a dumpster at age 2, and grew up in a Lusaka orphanage with other abandoned children like himself. He attended school at the orphanage until age 13, when he officially outgrew the system and needed a new home.
In 2018, the Welfare department transferred Kelvin to the Chisomo Makeni Shelter, run by our Zambian partner. When he arrived at the shelter, Kelvin was enrolled in a local school. Until now, he had never experienced significant time away from an orphanage or shelter. So, Kelvin thoroughly enjoyed his newfound freedom. Over the next 2 years, Kelvin succumbed to peer pressure. He began drinking and smoking. And he completely neglected his studies. In 2020, Kelvin failed his Grade 12 exams. It was a hard reality check, and he didn’t know where to turn.
This is when Kelvin accepted Christ into his heart.
Over the next couple of years, he began learning how to live a life of true freedom in Christ. After a lot of counseling and discipleship with the caregivers at Makeni Shelter, Kelvin agreed to return to school and repeat grades 10 through 12.
Since then, Kelvin has successfully repeated grade 10 and is studying hard in grade 11. Although peer pressure remains challenging, Kelvin is growing spiritually. He still lives at Makeni Shelter, but he is living free in Christ. He is seriously pursuing his studies. And he has become an A-student!
We believe God has amazing plans for Kelvin. As he continues forward in school, with the help of counseling and discipleship at Makeni Shelter, would you pray with us for Kelvin to finish strong and become a powerful ambassador for Christ?