Spring 2022 Ministry Update

You and I have a lot to thank God for this spring, especially as we prepare to celebrate Christ’s resurrection this upcoming Easter. Speaking of Easter, several supporters have asked me if we still do Christmas and Easter gospel outreaches. My response has been, “Yes, we do! But over the last 24 months, we’ve had […]
From My Heart… Spring 2022

From My Heart… Your Investment in the Future of the Global Church By Byron Garmo, President I came across a global mission trend that caught my attention. I wonder if it will catch yours. According to one organization: “By 2050, 1 in 2 evangelical Christians will live in Africa.” Anyone familiar with global mission trends […]
Spring 2022 Newsletter

Out of Darkness:Shining God’s Light Among Afghan Refugees By Jacqueline McCarter August-December 2021, you helped bring emergency relief and the gospel to 200 displaced families fleeing from Afghanistan into Pakistan. Through your generosity, these families gratefully accepted tents, food, clothing, medical kits, audio Bibles, and coloring books for their children. A Pakistani Christian shared […]
Remember Jane?

Remember Jane? If you recall, Jane is an 8-year-old girl who showed up at a gospel outreach in a Ugandan slum this past January. In addition to the meal, fun games, and take-home supplies, God’s word touched Jane’s little heart, and never let go from that day on. Jane is being discipled by a Ugandan […]
Fall 2021 Newsletter

Made in God’s image By Jacqueline McCarter At first glance, Fadhili is a somewhat typical 7-year-old boy. He loves playing football and watching cartoons. He’s active, bright, and wants to be a teacher when he grows up. Fadhili is more unique in that he’s becoming an exceptionally good teacher already. But what kind of knowledge […]
From My Heart… Fall 2021

By Byron Garmo, President “I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are Your works, And my soul knows it very well.” Psalm 139:14 NASB In times like these, you and I must remind ourselves that we are the creation—not the Creator. This truth is so good for our […]
PRAY for Aalim: There is Hope because God’s Word is at Work

Remember Aalim? The young boy we told you about in Mali, Africa? Abandoned by his parents, begging in the streets, knowing only hatred and abuse? This is the boy who attended a gospel outreach in June 2021, who now professes faith in Christ and believes that God loves him. Aalim’s favorite Bible verse is John […]
Hope for the Hopeless

How can a young boy profess faith in Christ and yet want to grow up to be an Islamic master beggar? I had to face this question after reading a field report from a partner ministry leader in Mali. The report told of Aalim, a boy who participated in the June 2021 gospel outreach. At […]
Thankful: Looking Back on God’s Faithfulness

Greetings in the name of Jesus. We’re near the end of Mission to Children’s fiscal year. As I look back on this year, I feel excited to share a few things that I’m thankful for. And as we look back together on God’s faithfulness, I believe it will help us move forward with courage because […]
God Is Doing Great Things In Uganda!

How have things been for you so far this year? While you think about that, I have an update for you and a request. By now you’ve received our Spring Newsletter. We shared how you helped us launch gospel outreaches that reached, fed, and evangelized several thousand children in Uganda and India. Imagine with me: […]