Thanks for reminding orphans in India that God loves them

GREAT NEWS!! The vital repairs for our partner orphanage in India were done in time. The director of the orphanage believes the fixes will solve immediate safety concerns until a there is a new building. This 25 year-old building is showing wear after enduring years of rainstorms. This puts at-risk children in harm’s way. And […]
Over 30 years satisfying the spiritual and physical hunger in India

Coming up! Christmas outreach dinners For more than 30 years in India, partners like you have helped feed the hungry, and share the gospel with people who are spiritually hungry. At the Easter outreaches last spring, staff and volunteers worked long hours to feed as many people as possible. With fresh onions, tomatoes, garlic, potatoes, […]
Investing in the Next Generation

Patricia was 3-weeks old when she arrived at the Oaza home for children in Romania. Born to a homeless mother, she arrived in critical condition—poorly clothed, fevered, and in need of medical attention. Laura, the director of Oaza, wrapped the infant in her own winter coat and rushed her to the hospital, where she stayed […]
Cultivating Character Update – Summer 2017

Kurdish refugees, students in El Salvador, and a Bible Institute for pastors in Uganda all have something special in common: They are each using our character curriculum in various ways to reach the lost in some of the hot zones around the world. Summer 2017 briefing Iraq: Cultivating Character (CSI) for Kurdish children living close […]
Confidence for the First Day of School

You helped 321 children attend school Thanks you donors! Because of your help, 209 children (many Dalit) and 112 children of lepers in India went to school dressed for success, and adorned with the love of Jesus. Books, backpacks and uniforms stirred up an excitement for the new school year and inspired smiles on little […]
Bursting with New Vision, Cultivating Character in El Salvador

Salvadoran Partners to Positively Influence 1.5 Million Students using Cultivating Character Special thanks to Fundación Renacer. This past week Dr. Garmo visited the ongoing work of Salvadoran partners who are using Character Solutions (CSI) to reach youth through educators. There is a new vision growing from within El Salvador to train 44,000 educators using CSI […]
USA Completed Project Report ’16

Your Gifts Showed the Love of Jesus through These Practical Ministries Fiscal year ending June 30, 2016 Completed projects demonstrating God’s love and building “bridges” for the Gospel Your generous gifts of $16,953 provided Christmas and Easter outreach dinners with a Gospel presentation to 8,474 at-risk children and families in the Philippines, Romania, Uganda, Kenya […]
Canadian Completed Ministry Project Report ’16

Your Gifts Showed the Love of Jesus through Practical Ministries Fiscal year ending June 30, 2016 Refuge for orphans and abandoned children that includes: Christian education, healthcare, meals, shelter, and clothing Kenyan Child Care Centre: $1,284 helped educate 39 physically-challenged children. 149 children received physical therapy. 3 Homes near Salem, India: $7,724 provided safe shelter […]
Modeling Christ through International Christmas Dinner Outreaches

Ministry Report from Recent Christmas Dinner Outreaches The Philippines Despite the heavy rain, 100 people gathered to hear the Christmas story and enjoy a delicious Filipino meal. This outreach was in a poor community, far from Davao City, where special celebrations are rare. One adult comments, “I am so blessed that we have this event […]
High Crime District becomes a Character Colony

Ministry Impact through Recent Christmas Dinner High Crime District becomes a Character Colony India They live in roadside huts or tents, endure frequent abuse, and suffer from malnutrition. They are neglected or deserted by parents who most often are illiterate fishermen or vagabonds who make money by gambling, drugs or thievery. Crime is high. Children […]