God’s Amazing Ripple Effects

From My Heart – God’s Amazing Ripple Effects Do you enjoy true stories of God at work today? Read this, be amazed, and thank Him for another of His gracious blessings on this ministry: One day several years ago, a young professional with a PhD in literature boarded a train in southern India. During that […]

Did you Know Easter Dinner Outreaches are Coming Soon?

Open our eyes to see the harvest through Easter dinner outreaches this year, O Lord! Many across India are seeking the truth. I can hardly contain myself—God is at work! Last year, the Gospel spread through India and new believers grew as disciples because of generous donors across North America. This year, I really hope […]

Promo video for 2016 Christmas Dinner Outreaches

Help us satisfy the hunger of children with a meal, and satisfy them spiritually with the word of God. The meal may last for a day, but the lesson of God’s love will last forever. So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, But it […]

Charitable IRA Rollover

Special Bulletin: 2016 Taxes, Charitable IRA Rollover You may need to roll some money out of one of your traditional IRAs or Roth IRAs to meet the annual minimum required distribution (MRD). Here is how a charitable gift IRA rollover works. If you are 70-1/2 years of age or older, you may be able to […]

Offering and Offering

Offering an Offering Years ago I had no job. I’d been recruited to a position halfway across the country. After praying and discussing the issues, Jan and I accepted that invitation. We brought our three young children to a place we’d never lived, among people we barely knew. Suddenly, two years later, I was told […]

Reaching Out

Reaching Out Through Character Solutions Kathy, missionary in Oaxaca, Mexico: “I have thumbed through your parent guide and am convinced that this is an answer to prayers both for my homeschool and the MK school in Mexico. I am super thankful to have been blessed with this parent guide and look forward to using it […]

Remember these children? God did

A dozen years ago my wife and I visited a home for abandoned gypsy children who lived on the streets of Arad, Romania. We met an 11-year-old girl and her 8-year-old brother. Their mother had died and their alcoholic Roma father tried to get rid of them by locking them inside the shed they lived in and setting the shed on fire. Rescued, these precious children were later found by the police, rummaging through a garbage dump for food. The police took them to a State Centre, and looked for urgent placement because of their difficult situation.

A Day She’ll Never Forget

Likitha’s dream comes true—thanks to your support! When we first met Likitha, she had no hope. Not only had she lost both her parents, but her community shunned her. As an outcast Dalit—the lowest of the low in India’s caste system—she was ostracized and abandoned. But today, Likitha’s eyes sparkle as she tells how her […]

July Project Impact Report

You’ve given precious Dorcas a future and a hope Dorcas’ opportunity for change came at age 4 when she came to the Kajiado Childcare Centre. She had already endured a lifetime’s worth of suffering. Dorcas’ family is terribly poor. They struggle to survive by farming their small patch of land in rural Kenya—and it’s hard […]

Applied Agape

In the aftermath of terrible tragedies globally whether Nice, France and Dallas, Texas, there is no better time than today to keep looking up and reaching out to others with the love of Jesus. With the time and resources God has provided to each one of us, however we accomplish this, we must do so […]