What a year it’s been for all of us!

What a year it’s been for all of us! Throughout these troubling times, Scripture reminds us that God’s presence both calms and reassures because His Word never fails. (God will have the last word!)

October 2020 Special Thankfulness Issue

We are thankful to God for His steadfast faithfulness to Mission to Children for over 50 years. And we are thankful for you and your generosity.   Your year-end and monthly gifts allow us to continue providing food and other essential items to an estimated 5,000 children, youth, and adults in India each year. Your […]

Fall 2020 Newsletter

India currently has the third-largest number of COVID-19 cases in the world, and our Beracah ministry hub is located within one of the country’s pandemic “red zones.”

Ministry Update: June 2020

Greetings in the name of Jesus. Assuming that your last few months have been anything like ours, you aren’t seeking news anymore—you’re seeking encouragement. This has been an incredible twelve months in history. Your partnership has encouraged me, our team, our board, and the children worldwide who receive help from our work. So, thanks again […]

UPDATE: The ministry hub in India amidst the pandemic.

Dear Friend, You may be wondering if this pandemic has affected the children’s ministry hub in India? Our Easter gospel outreaches? The educational system in India? It sure has! We temporarily suspended gospel outreaches that involve gatherings, the education of the children is a work in progress, VBS plans are paused, nearly 150 barefoot pastors […]

Christmas Gospel Outreach 2019 – Ayesha

By Jacqueline McCarter Oh, how Mehul wishes he’d known about Jesus and his free gift of salvation sooner! Before alcohol addiction exacerbated his family’s poverty. Before engaging in street fights. Before stabbing and robbing people in the marketplace. Before committing three gruesome murders for hire, and before multiple prison sentences consumed his life, separated him […]

From My Heart … The Lord is my shepherd

By Byron Garmo, President David begins Psalm 23, “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.” Let’s not move away from this foundation of truth, nor skip over such eternal treasure for something of less worth. Here we have two references to our Messiah, the Shepherd-King (Psalm 28:9, Isaiah 40:11, Zechariah 9:16, John 10:11, […]

In Christ, you were made for such a time as this

This is in no way a wasted season. However weak or perplexed we may feel, we can rest in knowing that God’s shaping who we are becoming. God isn’t using this season of isolation to quench us as believers … but to strengthen us!