Christmas Gospel Outreach 2019 – Ayesha

By Jacqueline McCarter Oh, how Mehul wishes he’d known about Jesus and his free gift of salvation sooner! Before alcohol addiction exacerbated his family’s poverty. Before engaging in street fights. Before stabbing and robbing people in the marketplace. Before committing three gruesome murders for hire, and before multiple prison sentences consumed his life, separated him […]

From My Heart … The Lord is my shepherd

By Byron Garmo, President David begins Psalm 23, “The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want.” Let’s not move away from this foundation of truth, nor skip over such eternal treasure for something of less worth. Here we have two references to our Messiah, the Shepherd-King (Psalm 28:9, Isaiah 40:11, Zechariah 9:16, John 10:11, […]

In Christ, you were made for such a time as this

This is in no way a wasted season. However weak or perplexed we may feel, we can rest in knowing that God’s shaping who we are becoming. God isn’t using this season of isolation to quench us as believers … but to strengthen us!

COVID-19: Our response, and loving others during the outbreak

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.” Selah Psalm 46:1–3 (ESV) How we’re adapting around COVID-19 […]

God is working through your prayers!

If you prayed for Mission to Children last year, your prayers may have turned keys that unlocked doors. Here’s what happened. A ministry leader from Andhra Pradesh contacted me after the 2019 Easter gospel outreaches. He wrote: “We have been in touch with people whom we have outreached in Orissa [Odisha] in their terrible times. […]


Thank you for partnering with Mission to Children. I can’t overstate the importance of your partnership in helping to spread the gospel while ministering to the needs of vulnerable children. I don’t fully understand what most of these children have had to endure. Yet I thank God that by His grace, you and I get […]

2019 Easter Gospel Outreaches

2019 Field update from Easter Gospel Outreaches “The heart of man plans his way but the Lord establishes his steps.” Proverbs 16:9 Thank you for faithfully supporting Easter gospel outreaches. This year, God worked in ways we had not originally planned in Odisha, a place known as the “land of temples.” Odisha, the poorest state […]

Easter Gospel Outreaches are Reaching Impoverished Families & Transforming Communities!

After 45 years, Mission to Children Easter and Christmas gospel outreaches continue to enable front-line Christians to share God’s word with a celebration meal to impoverished families in distressed communities. So far this year, partners like you have fully funded outreaches in: Western Romania reaching homeless families Uganda through an AIDS treatment center reaching children […]

Beauty in Brokenness

When Anusha visits her home in the slums, she shares the gospel with other children. She actually revisits the place of her pain in the power of the gospel, armed with her favorite verses, Romans 8:38-39! This is amazing grace, beauty in brokenness.